The life of a college kid...

Friday, April 18, 2008 still alive ;)

Thats pretty much my favoritest lil guy ever!! Drew and me

I'm not even sure if people read these things or not... but im bored, why not write?!
A lot has changed since I last wrote. I went back to school fall semester. It definitely had its ups and downs. I've been sitting out this Spring semester. Its been good...hard...trying.. and yeah...
I've been working at the coffee shop in town! I really enjoy that! My favorite part is definitely the free coffee!! I don't get the specialty drinks free...just the regular brewed coffee, but I do get discounts ;) I always come home wired on caffeine! It's a great job!! Then I also work at subway... and I get lotsa free food there! Thats what I go for... jobs with free things!
So thats what I'll be doing this summer...and hopefully going back to school in the fall. But we shall see about that...
I'm SO looking forward to being an aunt!! Oh my goodness am I excited about that!! The baby is due 2 days after my bday!! (I'm really hoping its a lil early!! That'd be nice!)
Actually... thats about all I can think of. I dont really know what else to say. Not too much else is going on.Oh...thats just me!!